Wednesday, August 20, 2008


These are exciting times with the Natester. He is doing and accomplishing new things almost daily. It's so fun to watch and wonder, "What's next?" (aside from the crayon graffiti...that wasn't too fun to scrub walls). We've taught him how to fold his hands on the table and sit there for a minute or less to get the wiggles out. I just say, "I want you to fold your hands and get some self control while I do this" and then he'll do it. He's using two word sentences now like, "Need help" or "Love you" or "Happy People!" (that's from a local commercial for "Express Flooring...the Happy Home People"). He's using more signs and also saying the word for things that I didn't realize he was getting. Those Baby Einstein dvds are really helping him learn his words and associate them with objects. He's learning how to pretend play instead of just stacking or building things. Lately, he's been carrying around his toy cowboy gun and he'll say "Bang! Bang!" and pretend to shoot it. He's also playing more with this trucks and cars like you would imagine a little boy would. In the past, he wasn't too interested in them. I've also caught him trying to sing with me. 
In fact, he's recognizing and putting things together so quickly, I'm having a hard time keeping up with him. He can climb into and out of his booster chair too and is learning how things work and function, more quickly than he used to. It's funny to have a conversation with him because he'll babble on, but he'll point to something like he's talking about it and use pauses or breaks between words along with other hand and facial gestures. It's hilarious because even though I can't understand what he's saying, he obviously has something specific in mind!
I'm really enjoying this learning and development phase......he's just so darn cute to watch!


Pat Ramos said...

Oh my, he's growing up sooo fast! No more baby!! He's cute too!

RamblingMother said...

it is so fun and sad all at once to see them grow.