Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Our friends gave Nate this little sofa bed that he absolutely loves. He immediately sat down in it to watch his Thomas the Train show and we thought all was well until we unfolded it into the bed. Now usually, he loves to see how things work but when we put him on the bed, the poor child SCREAMED and cried and tried to get off it. You would've thought we were punishing him...Don and I just looked at each other like, "What in the world is going through his mind right now?" Well, eventually, I crawled into the bed and coaxed him into it with me (yeah that was a sight!) and showed him how fun and relaxing it was.

And now.....we can't get him OUT of it! haha! He will unfold it himself, crawl into it and pull up the blanket to watch his show.


I've also started having him take naps in this bed to transition him to a big boy's bed. So far he's done extremely well...speaking of which, I hear him waking up so time to go!


Tiffany said...

That is tooooo cute!
Love that little sofabed and he looks so comfy on it.

Pat Ramos said...

cute, cute, I didn't know they made such things! This grandma is behind the times I guess! Yep, looks like Harvard is moving in with Nate.

Finally a Family of Four said...

Grant used to have one of those couches and he loved it. We had it for about 2 years until it was trashed. I should get one for Lily for her birthday.
I think Harvard is so cute.

Chanda said...

The Harvard picture cracked me up!!! I'm so glad Nate likes the couch. I would have really liked to see the picture of you in the couch with him. Tee hee!

RamblingMother said...

I guess he thought it was going to eat him. Cute pics.