Sunday, April 4, 2010


What a great service this morning! Loved seeing all the guests and everyone having a great time. We went over the 200 mark today and I hope that we see more faces return in the following weeks. Our new series started today, called Relationship Rescue and is loaded with practical, God stuff for every relationship. Hubby did a great job and we are now home, crashed and waiting for my parents to get here. Whoopee!! They get to stay a whole week & I'm excited to see them.

Nate had a great time celebrating all things Easter today, scored on his basket & the egg hunt and has also crashed for the last 3 hours. haha! Here's more PHOTOS of the day.

Happy Easter everyone! John 3:16...alive & well.


Kayce said...

Happy Easter to you guys! Nate is getting so big!

Sharon said...

Had to come wish you all a happy belated Easter...mongo easter basket!! haha