Tuesday, November 13, 2012

BIG NEWS!!!!!!

"Hello Denise? This is Angie from CHI. I have your husband on the line and great news for you!"

Heart racing. Sweaty palms. This is THE phone call adoptive parents wait for. And then the BIG NEWS....

WE'RE GETTING AN 18mo LITTLE BOY!!!!!!!! What an adrenaline rush! Its so hard to be calm and listen to the details the agency is giving you over the phone. Then a mad rush to check your email and there they are... pictures of a beautiful little boy with enormous dark eyes and big smile staring back at you. 

We are over the top excited! In about 6 months, Nate will have a little brother!!!!

I would LOVE to post pix but we cannot do that until the adoption is approved in Ethiopian court (about 4 months from now).

I also know we have a huge adjustment coming... attachment/bonding issues, language barriers to overcome, sibling rivalry & jealousy...along with normal crazy 2 yr old behavior. I may have to dye my gray hairs more often! haha. 

For now, I will look at those photos and thank God for a great blessing this Thanksgiving. 

TWO sons!! I'm so excited!!!!!


Unknown said...

I read your facebook status and smiled wide. I read your blog and cried!!! I am so over the moon excited for you guys. I knew it was going to happen soon and I know the Lord is preparing this little boy's heart just as much as He is preparing all 3 of yours. GOD BLESS!!!

Angel said...

Congratulations on your growing family. I'm sure your hair will be just fine. Brothers are the best things to raise.

Patricia said...

Denise, that is the most wonderful news!!!! I am so very happy for the three of you - another little boy to love and care for. What a blessing, and the most wonderful Thanksgiving gift you could ever ask for!!!! Happy Thanksgiving from Texas. :)

Lori said...

Wow, how wonderful, CONGRATULATIONS!!!