Sunday, November 15, 2009


What to blog about? Mostly house stuff that is on the brain these days. That and our son being three. Not "turning" three but BEING three. Big difference. It was like one day he was a terrific two and the next day, he decided to be 18!@!x! Suddenly he had to challenge everything...really mostly me, I think. I'm a SAHWM (stay at home working mom) and one day, I told him (like I usually do) to do certain things and for every instruction, he had a response. My compliant little 2 yr old was now a trying 3 yr old:

Me: Nate, go use the bathroom before we go out
N: I already did go, mom! (even though that meant a few hours ago).

Me: Nate go get your crayons
N: I can't find them mom.
Me: Go look in your room

Argh! We are now having to remind him that when we tell him to do something, it means DO IT! Ultimately, he gives me a big frown & stands his ground. I know what that little mind is thinking ("I did it and I don't have to do it again until I want to!") When it comes to mom, he wants to control every aspect of everything. Every once in awhile he'll welcome my help but if it's something he's familiar with, he's started saying, "No! I want to do it!" 

So now we are REALLY having to re-think our parenting.....focusing on manners....asking nicely instead of demanding, obeying us when we give an instruction instead of refusing. Asking permission to do things (like opening the front door & going outside on his own *GASP*!) Throwing a tantrum means time on his bed with no comfort items until he's calm. We are having to redefine boundaries!

On the plus side, he really does love to help me (because he feels like a big kid & again...there's that level of control). So I get an extra hand with the dishes, laundry, cooking, etc. You can really hold a conversation with him now & he'll answer questions fairly well (although his fav phrase seems to be "I don't know", lately). He is craving learning & constantly wants to know "why" this & "why" that...trying to figure out every bit of his world. 

Socially, we're working on him sharing, taking turns, etc. Because he's an only child, he likes to be the boss. And at a solid 36lbs, he can throw his weight around.....literally. We just did his 3 yr check up & he was 37-1/2" tall, got 2 shots in each arm & didn't even flinch. 

He's really not that bad. We're just having to get used to his changing behavior. Usually the negative behavior rears it's head if it's way past bedtime or he's hungry. At age 2, he would be irritable at those times, but at age 3, he responds with screaming meltdowns. The other night, it was an hour past bedtime, after our small group study, & he was rapidly melting. Finally, we decided to skip the normal bedtime routine & just get him into bed. He was crying & tired so I took his clothes off & put him in bed. HOLY COW!! The boy freaked! He screamed & threw a major fit. I told him he could stay in his bed & when he was finished crying, I would come back in & say goodnight. Well, that didn't sit well with him at all. He screamed & cried for 30 minutes. Halfway through that, he screamed, "MOM! DON'T TAKE MY SHIRT AGAIN, MOM!!!"....over & over. Apparently HE wanted to take his shirt off & didn't like me doing it. Go figure. Finally after 30 minutes, he calmed down & just lay there sniffling. I came in & asked, "Are you finished?" He nodded "yes" & I explained that every time he threw a fit, he would have to stay in his bed until he was calm. When he was calm he would get hugs & kisses or (if not bedtime) he could get off the bed when calm. 

After that, he went right to sleep & woke up the next morning, happy. *sigh* Kids. Gotta love 'em.


RamblingMother said...

yes gotta love them because like Dave of the Chipmunks you suggested you can't "...put 'em in a box and leave them in the park" or something like that, heh.

Kayce said...

Gotta love three! Our Jacob was an angel during the twos then three hit and oboy! I almost didn't know if I'd make it through that year! But I did and so did he and now I watch and listen to what he does now as a teenager and just laugh and think of that year when he was three. Breathe in and out and you'll make it through!!

Adrienne, Another Ordinary Miracle said...

Owen did the same thing! He was an angel during his twos and then three hit, and we started staring at each other and asking where our sweet child went? Emotional emotional emotional. Drama drama drama. Refusing to do things. Crying when we couldn't do something right when he wanted to.

I hope four is better!! We are getting close but so far, he's just upped the emotion and drama. I'm blaming it on circumstances with school, etc -- lol. We'll see :)

Welcome to being a Mommy of a 3 year old boy!

Pat Ramos said...

Don't have to be an only child to want to be the boss!! Zachary has that too!! that head of hair that he has.