Thursday, September 3, 2009


Things have been so busy lately, I just haven't had time to do much blogging. Between my art, my custom purses, keeping up with Nate and church stuff...I'm starting to stress about packing up the rest of the house for our move in late Sept. We're supposed to close on the house on Sept 18 but the way things are going with all the delays, it could be later. 

Nate has slept through the night the last 3 nights. YAY!! Not sure why the change. We left the floor fan on in the living room, next to his bedroom wall and ever since then, he's been sleeping. We've trained him to sleep through noise so maybe the silence is what's waking him up & possibly scaring him. It's like the reverse effect for most kids! 

He's started making up funny nonsense words that sounds like he's speaking chinese:

Pong kong!
Peekie poco!
Chon chon!
Po cho!
Packa poco peek!

And more like that. He will say the words and then crack up laughing like it's the funniest thing he ever heard. It's hilarious to watch him. He has memorized 5 or 6 Bible verses and can sing along with several songs. He remembers and recognizes people and their names...even some he's only met a couple of times. His vocab and comprehension is increasing rapidly and so is his energy. He runs, jumps, skips, and is loving every minute doing it. 

My day usually consists of "Look mom!" (translation..."Look what I've been up to!"), "See mom...right there!" (as he's pointing out every object in his eyesight...which happens to be incredibly good). The other day he was showing how big the tail on his toy shark was and I said jokingly, 

"Do you have a tail too?" 
He replied, "No, I no have a tail. I have a BUTT!"

I about died laughing.

1 comment:

Pat Ramos said...

That is too funny with the tail!! He's sooo smart, hope he stays that way and can get a scholarship for college!! I'm thinking too far in advance but it will be here way too soon I'm afraid. He's a busy fella.