Wednesday, January 21, 2009


We are occasionally asked this question and our answer is "no". Why? This is an update from another blogger friend regarding the backlog for chinese adoption:

“The CCAA has finished the placement of children for the families whose adoption application documents were registered with our office before February 28, 2006. The next families up for referrals have a LID of March 2, 2006 and have waited 34 months.”

These families were LID only 4 months after we were. They waited nearly 3 years for their referrals! And they were only 4 months behind us in registering. The process is taking approx. 1 month per each week of LID (log in date for paperwork). Needless to say, we have no desire to wait several years for another baby. If we were 10 years younger...maybe...but we are not, so we are looking at other options.

The other question we get is "Why is the wait so long?" It's because China only allows a certain number of children to be adopted outside of the country. There are more couples waiting to adopt than there are children, it results in a back log. This did not happen until 2005. Before that, the ratio was more even and it was much faster to adopt a chinese child.

At this point, we are not really feeling the call to adopt again anytime soon. Not to say we don't ever want to adopt another child, but for some reason, God has not placed that immediate desire or thought on our hearts like it was when we started the adoption for Nate. We've considered adopting an older child and/or from another country, but we'll see. God may want us to be content with one. It's hard to say. At any rate, we are perfectly content and happy with things the way they are and are enjoying every minute with our awesome gift!

1 comment:

Sam- Hypnotoad said...


You know we decided God blessed us with one also and are happy and content! Too many risks for us and for some reason we are very happy with that. We are just thankful for Alyssa.