Thursday, December 4, 2008


Who came up with that description? When we started our adoption process 3 years ago, I waited for this day, today....when I held out my arms and my son climbed into my lap, threw his arms around me and gave me a big 'ol hug. Then after he put his hand on my cheek and turned my face to his to kiss him, he snuggled up against me, perfectly content with the world. I waited 3 years for this day when my son would point out every Christmas light he saw and said "Woooow!" like it was the first one he had ever seen in his life.

I waited for this day when my son got brave and set his mind to climbing up the side of the playground and when he reached the top out of sheer determination, he looked at me his face beaming with a huge proud smile on his face. "I did it, mom!" was written in his eyes. I waited for this day when I could actually have a semi-conversation with him and he totally "gets" it. I waited for this day when I put him to bed and watched him listening intently as I sang "Jesus Loves Me" and then smiled as he said "More song!" I waited for this day when I said goodnight and laid him down in his bed and he looked right in my eyes and said "I love you."

If this is what they call the "terrible two's", I'm loving every minute of it.


Pat Ramos said...

Maybe he won't have those tantrums and tell you NO maybe he'll be sweet and kind just like he is NOW. Enjoy it! We can't wait for one of those hugs too!! Counting the days til the 20th.

Sarah said...

AW-You made me get misty! We are seeing these same "changes" and it melts my heart. Enjoy it for as long as you can!

Tina said...

How precious, I can't wait!
Merry Christmas,

Anonymous said...

nate is growing up so fast!

RamblingMother said...

great pics. yes it is a fun age.