Thursday, July 31, 2008


Nate has become very interesting lately. He’s started connecting more words with objects without our prompting. Today he pointed to his applesauce so I said “That’s applesauce”. Then he pointed up to a painting of fruit that my dad did and he said “Apple!” I’ve never talked to him about that painting before so I was surprised he made that connection.

He’s aquired a new favorite word…”No”. However, it’s more of a cute “No”…sort of like if someone were to ask you something and you had to think about it for a moment and then politely said “No I don’t think so”. It cracks me up every time but I know it won’t be cute when he turns 3. I didn’t think he really understood the meaning behind it until I tested him on a few things. Like when he smelled messy and I asked “Did you poop in your diaper?” He looked at me a moment and said “No”. I checked any way and sure enough, he was right. Or another time I thought his Baby E show was about over so I said, “Hey your show’s almost over”. He thought a moment and said “No.” He was right…it had a couple more minutes to go. He also likes to tell Harvard “No.” and then he’ll add “Giiiiiit” in a drawn out low voice. It’s pretty funny. This kid’s smarter than I thought. Ha!

He talks constantly and I mean CONSTANTLY, going over the real words he knows, babbling nonsense words as though he were really carrying on a conversation with us, or repeating everything we say whether it’s a word or grunt. I’ll have to record his mealtime conversations with me. I listen intently and respond even though I have no idea what he’s saying. haha.


Wendi and Benjamin Wood said...

It's so exciting to experience these milestones with them! Baby Babble! I love it! Our were speaking before we got them, but to hear them speak English and as they continue to form complete sentences- that is neat! It's amazing how fast they grow isn't it?

How will you celebrate your Gotcha Day? Do you have plans?

RamblingMother said...

yeah "no" starts to loose its cuteness at around age 3!

Pat Ramos said...

He must be listening when you think he isn't! So smart and so cute! Love, MOM