Monday, January 28, 2008


Ever since we began doing research for the sex series at our church, Don has been making an effort to do more "courting".....and I have to say it's working because my desire for him has increased. ha! So today on our day off, he suggested going to the zoo...something he knows that I love to do. It was an absolutely gorgeous day for it too. We had a ton of rain yesterday that actually flooded the washes and a few people had to be fished out of the raging waters. Today the sun was shining bright, the sky was incredibly clear with big white puffy clouds floating across the sky. All the animals were out and about too so we got some close up views. Nate had a fairly good time. He was kind of grumpy and tired....usually the case the day after church. It's so over-stimulating for him and he skips a morning nap so it takes him a day to recover. I got a few good photos though that are above.

I also got a good payment today for a major freelance job and we are so excited to attack our debt with it. That has been our major goal for this year. We will be able to pay off our second credit card with this, get caught up with our other cards and get Don a decent pair of glasses. So now we have 2 cards down, 4 more to go, plus our truck and student loans. We are determined to get there and are using Dave Ramsey's debt snowball technique to do it. We also slashed our spending and put ourselves on a stricter budget to manage it. When we looked back on how much we were spending on restaurants and coffee shops, we were shocked. It didn't seem like that much at the time...a little bit here and there...but it's the little expenses combined that add up to a lot and really get you in trouble. We've had to make efforts to pull the reins when we felt that temptation coming on. It feels good though to not give in.

Hope you all have a great week! Check out the new post below this one too.


Wendi and Benjamin Wood said...

Fun in the zoo! I love it! I must find a zoo around here with exotic animals!

I started asking my husband some of the questions you posed on the previous posts about courting...his response was a bit defensive at first (for obvious reasons!) and then asked "where is all this coming from?" The conversation led into a deeper one of reflection and where we have come from since 6 years when we first we take things for granted, and how sometimes the monotony (sp) and stresses of everyday life--well we let it rob us of that intimacy we once had...anyways, it's an ongoing conversation...and I think it all has to do with expectations, met and unmet needs, communication, etc...thanks for sharing and reminding us how vital this is in the marriage relationship!

RamblingMother said...

Nate is adorable. That last pic with the tongue hanging out is cute.


Kayce said...

Oh my your son is way too cute Denise! Thanks for stopping by my spot in cyber space! I hear ya on attacking debt, that is what we are doing during our wait for our daughter. Giving up Starbuc** is hard though! :)

It was nice to "meet" you, I can't wait to take some time to read through your blog.